Find out where to invest to obtain returns higher than savings and CDI in 10 years

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It is common for Brazilians, when they are unsure of where to invest, to turn to products that are closer to their daily lives. Thus, most leave their money in savings accounts , or in digital bank accounts that usually offer returns of at least 100% of the CDI.

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However, what many people don’t remember is that it is possible to seek considerably greater gains with more sophisticated traditional investment options , without giving up security and liquidity.

If you want to know what the ideal options are for you to boost your assets and seek higher returns than savings and CDI, you are in the right place.

Money Times, in partnership with BTG Pactual, the largest investment bank in Latin America, has developed an investment simulator capable of creating a complete and personalized portfolio for you, with “premium” assets that can deliver above-average returns.

The good news is that the simulator is free and available to any Brazilian. To run your simulation and find out which is your ideal portfolio, just click the button below.

Let’s say you are an investor with a conservative profile (focus on security) and your main objective is to increase your wealth in 10 years .

Furthermore, let’s assume that you have R$50,000 as an initial investment, and that you will invest an additional R$1,000 per month.

The Investment Simulator made the calculations and showed the projected return on your investment in savings, CDI and your ideal portfolio.